Comprehensive Consultation$250

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Comprehensive Consultation$250

A comprehensive consultation is the first step in working with me.

You'll complete a detailed health questionnaire and list your most pressing questions and concerns.

I conduct a comprehensive review of the health questionnaire and gather resources and recommendations prior to our call.

We'll meet via Skype for a 75-minute session to review your questionnaire, answer your questions and I'll provide an individualized integrative care plan designed for you and your needs.

You'll walk away from the consultation with relief at being heard, feel bolstered by having additional support, more confident in your understanding of your cancer and you will be armed with knowledge and resources to address your biggest concerns.

After the consultation, you'll have the opportunity to enroll in a coaching package if you wish. I'll only recommend that if it's a good fit for you and where you are in your journey.

  • Total payment
  • 1xComprehensive Consultation$250

All prices in USD
